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How to Wake Up Earlier Without Feeling Tired

We all know the merits of waking up early. You get more things done, have some much-needed quiet time and it feels good, too.

However, waking up early isn’t as easy as it seems. There’s the matter of being tired and losing steam in the middle of the day. You’ll also need to adjust, especially if you’ve always considered yourself a night owl.

Here are 12 tips to wake up earlier without feeling tired…

1) Drink Plenty of Fluids

Staying hydrated may not seem as important, especially when there’s a hundred things to do. However, your body will be strained and your organs won’t be working as properly compared to when you’re refreshed.

The recommended amount is 8 glasses of water a day. To make it easier you can get a two-litre or gallon container and make it a habit of filling it up in the morning (or evening) and drinking it all at the end of the day.

2) Take a Melatonin Supplement

Melatonin is an excellent medicine for when you want to reset your sleep schedule.

It’s naturally produced by your body and helps regulate your sleep cycle. It also has a sedative effect and makes you sleep better at night.

When you get a good night’s sleep you’ll naturally have more energy throughout the day. For a more natural boost you may want to give chamomile or ginger a try.

3) Do Some Stretching Exercises

Did you know that physical activity can naturally help you ‘wake up’ when you open your eyes in the morning?

It’s true! Stretching can have the same effect, and it’s mild and relaxing too. As your muscles get that much-needed workout your blood starts getting distributed to your vital organs, which makes you feel less tired.

Moving might be the farthest thing in your mind but do yourself a favour and do it- your body will thank you later.

4) Map Out Your Schedule for Next Day

This is more of a motivational thing than one that can give you energy directly. Before turning in for the night, it’s best to have a notebook or planner ready and list the things you want to achieve the next day.

An action plan inevitably provides a nice boost of energy and motivates you to work better. Being organized gives you a sense of purpose than not having a plan when you wake up.

5) Gradually Adjust to Early Sleep Time

Waking up early is a pretty straightforward problem- you just need to sleep early and your body does the rest.

However, it’s easier said than done. One way to ease your sleep cycle is to gradually adjust your hours to 30 minutes every night until you get to the correct time.

So, for example you want to sleep at 9pm and you usually sleep at 11, adjust your sleep to 10:30, then 10 and until you get to 9pm.

6) Stick to Your Wake Time

It’s important to stay with a regular routine because it stabilizes your sleep cycles and gives you higher sleep quality.

Put your body in rhythm by sticking to the same waking time each day. Soon, you won’t feel tired or lack energy because you’ll be accustomed to it. The first few days will be tough but it’s worth it in the end.

7) Read a Book Before Turning In

Reading a book can be a relaxing before-sleep activity. If you haven’t tried it yet, do so- it can have a profound effect and allow you to settle in early and wake up without feeling tired.

Just reading for as little as 6 to 10 minutes a day can alleviate as much as 68% of stress.

8) Stop Bringing Your Phone to the Bedroom

Your smartphone is a device that can disrupt your sleep rhythm and make you stay up until the wee hours. Just browsing through social media or opening an app can be a time-waster.

It’s recommended that you don’t bring your smartphone to the bedroom, or stop using it 30 minutes to an hour before bedtime. You can either shut it off or put it in a drawer. This way, you won’t get distracted and your mind gets decluttered of current events and worries.

9) Meditate

Meditating can do wonders for your health and well-being. It only takes a few minutes and yet can prepare you for the next day and give you that much-needed energy to sustain you throughout.

Meditating can be as simple as finding a quiet place, sitting down in a comfortable position and focusing on your breathing. Do this for 10 minutes daily and you’ll start feeling more relaxed, energized and optimistic.

10) Refrain from Alcohol

It may sound counterintuitive, but alcohol does put the body through a stress state, and as such disrupt sleep patterns.

Drinking disrupts the cycle and gives you a bad sleep quality regardless of how early you slept, or how long you stayed in bed.

11) Map an Exercise Routine

Aside from getting enough restful sleep it’s recommended that you eat healthy foods and have an exercise routine.

An active lifestyle can bring so much to the table, health-wise. Your body starts working properly and you’ll feel energized and ready to face the day. Exercise can also reduce stress and produce feel-good hormones, which is always a plus.

The type of exercise you do may depend on your fitness level, age and preference, among others. You can choose to do yoga, aerobics, run or cycle. The recommended routine is 3 times a week for at least 20 minutes.

12) Eat Your Last Meal Early

Do your body a favour and eat your dinner early. It’s good for your digestion and your body won’t work as hard trying to break down the food while you snooze.

When you wake up all the food you ate will be ready to be converted into energy, thus leaving you in a wakeful and non-tired state. You’ll be more productive and can finish more tasks at work and home.

If possible, prepare something that’s light and nutritious so you get essential antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.