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How To Survive A C-Section Recovery With A Toddler
For most women the thought of having a C-section brings much stress and worry, but for those who are expecting AND are currently taking care of a toddler it will seem like an impossible ordeal.
However, with proper planning, execution and the help of a few things, you’ll be able to get by, or even thrive under the circumstances. Here’s a guide on how to survive a C-section recovery with a toddler.
How to Recover From a C-Section Faster
Due to the procedure C-section recovery typically takes longer compared to a vaginal birth. If you already know beforehand that there’s no way around it, you can start preparing so the journey will be smoother.
Preparation is Key
The moment that you know it will be a C-section, prepare ahead of time and speak with your partner and family members.
The responsibility of caring for a toddler will be much easier if you have a support group on hand. They can take your child off your hands so you can rest and recover. More importantly, you can focus your attention on your newborn baby.
Also, it’s important to note that you should not be carrying your toddler while in recovery, and lap carries are off the table as well. Sit down and have a talk with your child, then explain as best as you can why this is so.
Ease the Aches and Pains
Next, you will want to address the aches and pains that come after a C-section delivery. It’s crucial to stick to your medication schedule so you can catch up with the day’s activities and attend to your toddler and newborn as needed. If you’re worried that the medicine will have an effect on your breastfeeding you can seek alternatives such as Arnicare and others.
Get Up and Move
It’s tempting to just lay on your bed all day until the aches go away, but this will prove to be the longer route to recovery. As strange as it sounds your body will recover faster if you put it through its paces.
When ready, take your toddler and baby for a slow walk around the house, then outside and to the yard or garden. The added benefit is that you get some fresh air and your body will begin acclimating itself to the physical activity.
Consider a C-Section Recovery Belt
You may think that a postpartum recovery belt is an optional accessory, but for those who’ve had C-sections it’s a definite lifesaver.
Getting a C-section belt brings many benefits. You get an added cushion when your toddler decides to suddenly jump on you while you’re sitting or resting, and a shield against a fussy or kicking baby.
Furthermore, research shows that recovery belts accelerate the recovery process by helping bind the abdominal muscles tighter together. You get added support and feel more secure having one of these around. Perhaps the most important thing a recovery belt can do is close the C-section wound faster and let you move about sooner.
Get a Nursing Pillow
A nursing pillow can prove to be invaluable especially for those who have a baby and a toddler to take care of.
Nursing pillows aren’t just for nursing moms- it can be useful in other situations. For example, you can set your newborn on it as you feed with the bottle and reduce the chances of him or her bumping into you. Also, both your hands will be free so you can use it to read a book or handle toys and play with your toddler. Once you buy one have it near and with you at all times. It will definitely serve you well.
Supplement with Stool Softeners and Probiotics
Constipation will be a constant source of problem, and you wouldn’t want to face it without any help. Fortunately there are many ways to beat it and get your bowels moving regularly.
The most effective way to deal with it is to buy a stool softener product that’s recommended by your doctor. You may also want to supplement with probiotics to restore gut health and recover faster, health-wise.
The Do’s and Don’ts of Lifting After a C-Section
Your doctor will tell you to ease off on the lifting for several days or weeks depending on your condition.
As a rule of thumb, you shouldn’t be carrying anything heavier than your baby. For heavy work you should designate to your partner or other capable family members.
Even with care and precautions sometimes having to lift is a necessary action, especially if you have a toddler at home. The only way to do this is to speak with them and make them understand that you shouldn’t carry them for a month or so.
A C-section can definitely put a damper on lifting, and most doctors will say that you may not do them until 4 to 6 weeks later. The consequences of not following this is severe, as you could hurt yourself or open a stitch, which will require a trip to the emergency room.
Can You Carry a Toddler Into Their Cot or Bed?
The short answer is no. Remember, you’re not allowed to lift anything bigger than your baby, and chances are that your toddler is heavier.
However, you have two possible solutions. You can get your toddler acclimated on a standard kid’s bed or invest in a sturdy step stool where your toddler can move closer to the crib’s edge so you won’t have a difficult time.
If there aren’t any real dangers then transitioning to a kid’s bed is the better option. You help your toddler prepare for what’s to come ahead and won’t have to hoist them up like you would on a crib.
Should You Potty Train Your Toddler Before Giving Birth?
It may seem like a good idea to potty train your toddler before undergoing the C-section, but it’s recommended that you hold off on the process until after the birth.
The reason is simple- a toddler will need assistance going up or down the potty, and that means added work for you. You will then need to lift, which is a definite no-no (at least until your wound heals).
However, if you’ve already completed most of the training then you may want to invest in a step ladder so your little one can go up or down on his or her own. You just have to hold their hand a few times until they become used to it.
Plan Your Meals Ahead of Time
Having to take care of two precious children is exhausting enough, which is why you shouldn’t attempt to prepare dinner every day.
Aside from take out and frozen meals, you can try to prep meals in advance and put them in the refrigerator. Eating will be a matter of taking out the meal and putting it in the oven. You can also invest in a slow cooker or crock pot so you can just put everything in, turn it on and just leave the kitchen gadget to turn those ingredients into a delicious meal.
Having help from those who know their way around a kitchen is always welcome at this point. Visiting parents and family members may be able to cook large batches, which can be stored in the freezer. Simple dishes are okay, but the healthier they are the better.
Buy a Solid Baby Carrier for Travel
It’s only a matter of time before you’ll need to travel with your toddler and baby. It’s recommended that you get a baby carrier as soon as you’re discharged from the hospital.
You may ask, why a baby carrier and not a car seat? A carrier is designed to become less heavy compared to a car seat, which is made to secure your young one as you drive. In weight and bulk a car seat can present problems especially if you carry it from car to home and vice versa.
Baby carriers have uses inside the house. For example, it can serve as an impromptu crib for your baby and something you can bring anywhere- beside your bed, on the couch and even on the living room floor. Best of all, you’ll have two free hands for doing other things.
Ways to Spend Time With Your Toddler
The trick to managing your toddler successfully is to keep him or her preoccupied. You’ll need to prepare several distractions so you can focus on taking care of your baby and not make any errors.
It’s easy to just put them in front of a TV or hand them a tablet but then you’ll be missing out on opportunities, mainly spending time and bonding. The good news is that there are a good number of activities you can try, and they won’t cost you a pretty penny.
If your baby is sleeping peacefully and you’re in a good mood, you can set it up so you and your toddler can spend an afternoon doing the things they did with you before the birth.
Play-Doh and Kinetic Sand…
Kinetic Sand is the equivalent of an outdoor sand box, only more colourful. You can either put this indoors in a designated space where your toddler is free to make a mess, or outside where you can clean up afterwards. It’s relatively cheap, and the more you can get the more creative your toddler can be.
The same applies to Play-Doh. Your toddler can experiment with clay and form balls for hours, or mix a color with another one and be amazed at the change. They can form shapes or use kid-safe tools to ‘construct’ what they want.
A Small Inflatable Pool and Cups…
Make bath time super fun and kill two birds with one stone by buying a small pool. You can easily get them distracted in an afternoon and he or she will have a blast in the process.
The pool must be age-appropriate so you won’t have to constantly worry. Don’t pick anything bigger than a standard tub size so you can set it up and fold it easily later.
Good pool toys include a rubber ducky, floaty toys and a simple cup they can use to pick up water and put it somewhere else, e.g., the ground or onto a boat.
Let Them Play or Watch…
If you have some extra time on your hands you can load up your iPad with kid’s games and movies. You can also turn on the TV and pick an educational show so you could rest while your toddler gets entertained for half an hour or so.
At the end of the day you could be tired or stressed out having to do a million things, while your young one is still bursting with energy. On these occasions you can bring up that special movie so all of you could watch and relax at the same time.
The trick to your toddler looking forward to movie or game night is to not let him or her watch or play during the day. Get them busy enough with physical activities while you take care of your baby or do some meal prepping in advance.
Find age-appropriate games and movies your toddler could watch with minimal supervision. Even if this is the case, you should be near or in the adjacent room so you can be there when they need help.
Having to take care of a newborn baby and toddler will require 110% effort and most of your waking hours. It’s natural to feel exhausted and just lie down and rest throughout the day, but that will only make you take a longer recovery route.
Surround yourself with people who can step in and lend a hand. They will be your support group who will do the work for you during your ‘downer days’. They can play the role of a cook, cleaner or do toddler duty while you recuperate and have time for yourself.
After a long rest you’ll be able to take care of both your baby and toddler much better!