In our fast-paced world, noise can be a constant companion. From the hum of traffic…
Why Does My Baby Only Sleep When I Hold Them?
Babies are known for being demanding, and one of the most common complaints from parents is that their baby only sleeps when they are held.
This can be incredibly frustrating, especially when you are exhausted from not getting enough sleep yourself. So what’s going on?
Why do babies only sleep when they’re being held?
First, it’s important to understand that babies have an instinctual need for physical contact and closeness with their caregivers. This is known as being “attached” to their parent or caregiver.
This attachment provides a feeling of safety and security, which can be especially soothing when they are trying to fall asleep. So it makes sense that when your baby is held in your arms, they feel secure enough to drift off into dreamland peacefully.
Another reason why babies may only sleep when held is because this could be the only way they know how to fall asleep without help from outside sources. Baby swings, vibrating rockers, white noise machines, these all have the potential to create an artificial sense of comfort, which could lead to a baby feeling dependent on these tools in order to fall asleep.
But when they are held, they can experience the warmth and connection of their caregiver, as well as being able to hear the sound of their heartbeat—both of which can be deeply calming and soothing.
Finally, babies may only sleep when held because this is how they learned to do it. When an infant is born, they typically need to feed every few hours, sometimes even more often than that. During these feedings, parents naturally rock or sway their baby in order to help them settle down enough for nursing or bottle-feeding.
After days and weeks of doing this routinely, your baby will become accustomed to the rocking motions associated with sleeping and may only be able to fall asleep if they are being held.
If your baby only sleeps when being held, it can be difficult and even exhausting for parents. However, it’s important to remember that this is a normal behavior for babies and that there are ways you can help them learn how to sleep independently.
Start by simply holding your baby until they get drowsy but not fully asleep before putting them down in their crib or bassinet. Over time, with patience and consistency, your baby will become used to falling asleep while lying down alone and sleeping through the night on their own.
When it comes to why does baby only sleep when held, there could be a variety of reasons. Most likely, your baby is displaying a normal behavior as they adjust to life outside of the womb and are comforted by the physical connection with you.
With some patience and practice, you can help your baby learn how to fall asleep on their own while still giving them the security they need.