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18 Things NOT to do After Giving Birth

Did you know that it’s always a joy to deliver your newborn healthy and safely? Parents welcome the birth of their newborn with joy. However, the first few weeks after birth becomes the most stressful period. This is because you are learning about new motherly duties that come with giving birth, and the baby is trying to adapt to the new surroundings. This experience becomes extreme for first-time mums, unlike the other mothers with subsequent deliveries. These mothers already know what they are supposed to do for faster recovery and help the baby adapt to the new surroundings with much ease.

For first-time mothers, it’s usually an extreme experience. The experience is brought by you trying to recover while taking care of the infant, especially when you don’t have a knowledgeable babysitter. However, there are various ways you can ensure you ease the transition, while some things you need to avoid.

Below is a guideline on what mums shouldn’t do after giving birth.

1. Don’t expect the process to go smoothly.

As a mother, you’ll be joyful when holding your newborn in your arms. However, the first few weeks won’t go as you planned. You can prepare yourself by taking classes on caring for the infant or consulting doctors, it will be impossible to prepare for an unknown baby fully. For newborns, you may not differentiate which cry means hungry or the baby is sleepy. Furthermore, you may not know how long you should rock the baby for them to sleep. During the first few weeks, it’s much of trial-error while caring for the baby before you know what works best for the baby. Getting prepared to look after the newborn during this period is essential to ensure you get through this period efficiently, as it tend to be one of the most difficult moments.

2. Right away after delivery, don’t allow visitors.

Your new family needs to say no to any visitors, especially the closest family members and friends. Restricting family and friends may sound so ridiculous, but the frequent visits after delivery put more stress on you and your baby. Furthermore, the visitors will take away your bonding time with the baby, exposes the infant to germs, reduce the time you need to relax, and lastly, they may take much of your time you may have used to talk to healthcare givers. The visitors will also deprive you of your privacy as the Healthcare givers will be routinely coming to check your private parts. Lastly, you may feel uncomfortable while breastfeeding as you might be leaving the hospital gown bottom exposed for breastfeeding.

3. Don’t forget to eat healthy meals.

Your body loses a lot of vitamins and nutrients stored for the nine months of pregnancy during the delivery period. It would help if you had healthy meals to get energy and help build your body back. You can opt for healthy snacks; the healthcare givers recommend this if you lose appetite after delivering. It will be better if you eat healthy meals to help you get nutrients to build your body and care for the infant, i.e., to increase breast milk production. Lastly, you don’t need to worry more about excess baby weight now, don’t start dieting as there is plenty of time for this. What your body needs now is time to heal.

4. Don’t overexert yourself.

Most institutions allocate 6-8 weeks for maternity leave because your body needs a lot of time to recover fully. For caesarian section delivery, the recovery is rigorous, while for vaginal deliveries, the limited movement and exertion are only for a few weeks. You must observe this recovery period even if you feel physically okay, as you will only add stress to your body. Let other family members or babysitters perform the various house duties for you, including; making your bed, cooking, and other household chores. Summarily, don’t start any strenuous activities anytime soon.

5. Don’t neglect yourself.

After delivery, most emphasis and attention turn to the baby. However, it would help if you put much concern on yourself also. Remember that a happy mum will automatically make a happy baby. Make sure you don’t neglect yourself by eating well, getting much-needed rest, get some entertainment by watching favourite television shows or taking a glass of wine. Remember, when you feel better, you will be able to take good care of the baby.

6. Don’t forget to include yourself in photo sessions.

With cameras easily available nowadays, you can easily take important photos whenever you want. Photos of the young infant from the first days of deliveries and the other stages of development may be necessary as you won’t get back to this stage. You should include yourself in these photos, and the photos should be taken after deliveries and during the recovery process so as later in life, you can be looking at the photos.

7. Don’t forget to ask for any help.

After delivery, you will need to deal with the pain of recovery and taking care of the newborn. This experience is sometimes overwhelming. You can always ask your partner for any assistance you need, also take care not to overburden them. It’s always essential to have a friend or close family member near to help you out with some errands, like cooking, picking the baby’s milk from the shop. Don’t shy away from asking for this help.

8. Don’t clean the house.

Yeah, most mums have many things to do immediately after getting home with the new baby. There are dishes you need to wash, beds to be made, and many other chores. All these things can wait a little longer until you get well. You need a much-needed rest, as this will help fasten the recovery and make you happy.

9. Don’t disobey the healthcare

One of the most essential things you should not do after giving birth is disobeying the Health caregivers. Let the nurses and doctors perform their professional duties because all decisions they make are for your baby and yours better. Yeah, sometimes the medical professional makes poor decisions. Unless you have fully educated on maternal health matters, it’s the best option to listen to them.

10. You don’t have to keep your baby by your side the whole time

While at the health facility, take advantage of the knowledgeable staff to help you with your baby. Most hospitals nowadays have a nursery where nurses will take care of your baby as you get some rest. The babies are in safe hands as they will bathe them and soothe them when they cry. Remember, in certain hospitals; you can provide guidelines on how the nurses should handle your baby. To make the most of the bonding time, when the baby wants to feeds, the nurses will take the baby to the mother. Remember that all hospitals provide these nursery services; thus, consult with the health caregiver to know whether the services are available.

11. Don’t leave the hospital early than recommended

After giving birth, the hospital is where you have to stay for monitoring in case of any complications for the baby and mum. However, the hospital is a very uncomfortable place; thus, all you want is to return home. The hospital is the best place to stay after childbearing, as giving birth doesn’t guarantee you are safe. You or the baby may develop complications like blood pressure that the doctors can quickly treat. The situation is different at home, where you will need to make phone calls in case of any complications. It’s advisable to stay under the watch of health caregivers at the hospital first.

12. Don’t forget to ask any questions

Ensure you raise all your concerns and get the medical professional to address them before leaving the hospital. Ask the question in any form, or seek clarification; it will help you get out of the hospital. It may be harder to do this while at home via a phone call. Most health facilities advise for all concerns to be addressed before leaving for home. Note that no question is stupid to ask; the medical professionals will respond to any of your questions.

13. Don’t put any substance in your vagina

Don’t put anything in your vagina for up to 6 weeks after delivery. However, you can clean gently in the outer regions of the private parts. You should not engage in any form of sex or using Jacuzzis and tampons. These penetrations to the vagina can cause bacteria to penetrate your vagina, thus causing an infection, and may also cause slow healing. You should seek the advice of the doctor on what is the best time to start having sex.

14. Don’t be unprepared

During the Antenatal care clinics, you are advised on how to get ready for the newborn’s coming. After delivery, all the items that are needed should be readily available. Ensure your hospital bag is well equipped with the essentials of a mothers’ delivery pack, items used for postpartum recovery, and all the other necessities for the newborn. Furthermore, your partner should prepare the home well for the new baby to make life of the new mum much easier.

15. Don’t be afraid to cry out.

The whole delivery process, including receiving your tiny miniature newborn, can sometimes be very emotional. For a new mum, it’s normal to cry during all these processes. There is no shame in letting out your tears. When you discover your child has been born with a certain condition like underweight, it’s good to let your frustration out by crying out. However, if you have feelings of fear, anxiety, or depression, consults your medical practitioner. Postpartum depression is a very condition that the physician needs to address.

16. Don’t keep quiet when you feel something isn’t right

The mothers know their bodies and the infant’s body well. When you feel something isn’t right with your newborn or your body, either a physical, mental condition or concern with the infant’s health, don’t be afraid to seek help. The healthcare givers are always there for you, and remember no question is too stupid to ask or the concern too small when it comes to an infant.

17. Don’t neglect your infant

The first few days and weeks, the newborn may be very disturbing, waking you up in the middle of the night crying and disturbing. However much they disturb, don’t neglect them; show them all the love and comfort you can. Almost all mothers show this love and comfort, thus creating a bond with the newborn. It would help if you understood the newborn had entered a strange surroundings from a warm and comfortable space. Newborns tend to be scared and nervous; thus, they need to get more outstanding care and protection. You must take much of your time to ensure they get the attention they need.

18. Don’t question any of your abilities as a mother.

As a mother, you should always be confident that what you are doing is the best for your needs and newborn’s needs. It’s normal to get nervous and stressed thus; you might feel you are not doing the right thing even when what you are doing is right. Most newborns become happy and feel well taken care of because of what the mums are doing. No matter how knowledgeable you are, no mum is fully prepared for caring for their newborn; most of the things mothers learn as time goes by. You can ask fellow mums the things you don’t know, health caregivers, or research about them.

The bottom line

After delivery, the first few weeks and days tend to be very stressful following the labor and delivery of the newborn. The above tips on what not to do after giving birth will be helpful to make an easy transition. These tips will ensure a quicker recovery of the mum from the delivery process and adapt the newborn to the new surroundings. Remember caring for your unborn and yourself are very crucial things to put into consideration.